May 02, 2021 1 min read

Diamond weight: CARAT


Diamonds are measured in carats, the internationally accepted weight unit. The symbol is ct. 1 carat is divided into 100 points and the total weight is 0.2 grams


1ct = 0.2g = 100 points 1 point = 0.01ct


Example: 10 points=0.1ct 50 points=0.5ct


Example: D0.5ct is printed on the ring of a diamond ring, which means that the main diamond is 50 points, and d0.23ct means that a total of 23 points of secondary diamonds are set.


At present, the main diamond for marriage is mainly 30-1 carat diamond ring. In economically developed areas, 1 carat is also relatively common.




Since the larger the diamond, the rarer, the diamond has a carat premium, such as 50 cents and one carat of the same quality, the price will be four or five times different. As the weight of the diamond increases, the price also increases exponentially, especially for rare colored diamonds. , The multiple disparity is even greater.


Therefore, high-quality diamonds of large carats often have value-preserving properties. Diamonds are the protagonists at Christie’s and Sotheby’s auctions each year. In 2017, the star of the pink diamond weighing 59.6 carats was auctioned by Chow Tai Fook for 490 million yuan.


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