March 08, 2021 1 min read

It is necessary to use a 10-20 times magnifying glass to assist and make several simple observations.


        1) Observe the waist of the diamond. If it is a frosted waistline, this method is most suitable. The diamond is harder than any counterfeit, so there will be no thin stripes like the counterfeit. The diamond's waistline has a grainy appearance.


        2) Diamonds are harder than counterfeit products, and the faceted ridges of counterfeit products tend to be rounder than diamonds, and the faceted ridges of diamonds must be sharp.


        3) Due to the fact that diamonds are harder than counterfeit products, the facet ridges of counterfeit products often wear out.


        4) If the diamond has a natural surface, there is a chance to find the unique "triangular growth pattern" of the diamond on the natural surface.


        5) If the diamond has a chipped fracture, the appearance is usually stepped, while the counterfeit product will be curved or shell-shaped in a different way.

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