Few things in nature are absolutely perfect. This is true even for diamonds. The internal features of a diamond are called inclusions, and the irregularities on the surface are called surface features. Together they are called clarity characteristics. Clarity is determined by the number of inclusions and surface features.
Among other things, surface features include scratches and small nicks on the diamond surface. Inclusions are generally located inside the diamond, and some may touch the surface of the diamond. Sometimes, during the formation of a diamond, it may contain tiny diamonds or other mineral crystals. Inclusions are located at different locations, so they may still exist after cutting and can affect the appearance of the diamond.
Clarity characteristics can have a negative impact on the value of a diamond, or it can have a positive effect. First, they can help gemologists distinguish diamonds from imitations. (Crystals with inclusions are easier to identify than flawless crystals). Moreover, no two diamonds have exactly the same inclusions. With this feature, it can help people identify diamonds. In addition, they can also provide scientists with valuable information about the diamond formation process.
Like the other three factors in 4C, the impact of clarity on the value of a diamond is closely related to its rarity. Flawless is the highest grade in GIA's clarity grading system. Flawless diamond means that under a 10x magnifying glass, the experienced grader cannot observe any inclusions or surface features in the diamond.
Flawless diamonds are very rare, and some jewelers may not be lucky enough to see one in their lifetime, and their prices are also very high.
In contrast, the lowest grade indicates that the diamond contains inclusions that can be easily seen with the naked eye. Diamonds between the highest and lowest categories can only be seen with their inclusions under 10x magnification. At present, most of the diamonds sold in the retail market are in the middle range.