February 27, 2021 3 min read

Let's take a look at three ways to check the quality of diamond as the way the experts do.

1,Diamond cut

What is diamond cut?

Have you noticed how many facets a diamond has? Diamond cut refers to the size ratio of the diamond, and how these surfaces and facets are distributed to achieve the effect of brilliance. For example, what is the diameter to depth ratio of a diamond? These small but critical elements determine the beauty and price of diamonds.

Are you curious about which diamond cut is suitable? It is directly proportional to your budget.

No diamond is suitable for everyone-but for all of our customers, whether they prefer a .50 carat or a 16 carat diamond, they want to choose the dazzling diamond possible within their budget. In 4C (cut, color, clarity, carat), the cut has a great influence on the beauty and sparkle of the diamond. If the cut is too deep or too shallow, even a diamond with a flawless clarity grade (no surface flaws or inclusions) will look dull. Therefore, when buying diamonds, please choose the highest cut level within your budget.

Well-cut diamonds have outstanding brightness, fire and sparkle characteristics

Brightness: refers to the refraction of white light

Fire color: is the scattering of iridescent light


Flicker: indicates the contrast of the dark area-that is, the glitter.

Which cut diamond is more expensive?

When people talk about other people's engagement rings, they always pay attention to diamond carats. In fact, diamond cut is an important element of the price tag. Ideal cut diamonds, as well as super ideal cut Astor by Blue Nile™, are particularly expensive diamond cuts because they can optimize refraction performance and create dazzling brilliance.

2.Diamond color

What is diamond color?

Did you know that completely colorless diamonds are rare? In fact, almost all diamonds have naturally occurring colors, including gray, white, yellow, green, brown, and pink.


Some general information about diamond color

The value of a diamond partly depends on the color.

Only certified grading professionals can determine the color grade of a diamond.

The tone of the setting can affect the color perception of the diamond.


Diamond color is one of the important characteristics that affect the beauty of diamonds

As with all 4C parameters, diamond color is an important consideration when buying diamonds. Although color affects price, there are a series of factors that can help you decide which color grade is right for you.


The GIA white diamond grading scale is the industry standard

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) color scale is the industry standard for diamond grading. GIA diamond color grades range from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). Many people wonder why the GIA diamond grading scale starts from D grade. The Arcane system uses A-C, 1-3, and I-III, etc. GIA is to standardize these multiple systems and set the scale to start at level D.

3.Diamond shape

What is the shape of a diamond?

Shape refers to the geometric outline and general geometric shape of a diamond. Each diamond shape has its own characteristics and cutting specifications, and also plays an important role in the overall shape of the diamond.


What is the ideal diamond shape?

With its outstanding brilliance and brilliance, round diamonds have become our best-selling champion. It is suitable for matching with a variety of settings, and can naturally set off a variety of different hand and finger shapes. Non-circular shaped diamonds, such as princess-shaped, emerald-shaped, pear-shaped and Ascher-shaped, are less popular than round, but they can provide a variety of beautiful shapes. In addition, the price of these distinctive shapes is generally lower than that of round diamonds of the same carat number, allowing you to make the most of your budget. In general, your favorite diamond shape is still related to personal preference. You are the one who appreciates diamonds every day!

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